Thursday, February 18, 2010
Barbados Travel Hotels Review: Destiny Hotel
Let us first start with the whole infrastructure itself. The building looked quite nice. The entrance to the hotel was a cobblestone road that was truly charming and pleasant to the eyes. One could instantly feel the trademark Barbados atmosphere in the Destiny Hotel entrance that was lined with beautiful flowering plants and charming palm and coconut trees. It was not a very big or lavish hotel, but it was clean and relaxing. The simple white halls and the verandas of each room remind me of the simple Mediterranean style villas by the sea that I so love. The hotel had a pool, a spa, a great restaurant, and a bar that was by the beachfront. The beach itself was amazing though typical of Barbados which naturally had the most beautiful.
The rooms were spacious and cozy and had the same appeal as the whole building. It was well designed and the tropical sun and breeze entered the white billowing curtained windows. I had no complains apart from the fact that there was no bathtub, only a shower. But for the rates that this hotel charged, it was already worth it. The rates are a lot cheaper as compared to other Barbados travel hotels. But despite that, the services are quite top notch. The hotel has eighty rooms for two and for four. It also had ten more luxurious suites. I took a peek at one of them and they were wonderful. They also had the hot tubs that I desired.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Our Film Class: Elearning Software Solutions
Our film class is conducted all in the internet. This is might be unheard of for some people, but really it is perfectly adequate. The elearning software that is used is not only capable of film manipulation and minor editing; it is also an online software that enables chat and video forums so that the class and the professor can interact online. This is just another example of how elearning software solutions are really creating so many possibilities not only in the field of employee development but also in the educational system.
The systems is also very simple and yet very effective. The videos, films, film clips, and even movies are available for us to download through the class. Actually the software protects the copyrighted material and it can be downloaded only through the elearning solutions software and only once by the student enrolled in the class. If one does not sign in to the account, then one will not have access to the films.
The film we were discussing this week was “In the Mood for Love” by the acclaimed director Wong Kar Wai. It was such a good film, it played out as visual poetry. The images that Wong Kar Wai captures are so beautiful, you can take each frame, print it out, and hang it on the wall of the museum.

It’s funny how Wong Kar Wai thinks that Tony Leung’s character has such a dark side. He claims that the reason why people tend to accept his character as a “Good Guy” is that because he has a kind face. But in fact, meeting in secret with the wife of the man who is having an affair with his wife (that was a twisty one) and role playing the breaking up, the affair of their spouses, is kind of neurotic. And people tend to accept this because of Tony Leung’s kind looking face.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Terminator and Elearning Software Solutions
I was just watching terminator movie marathon. I watched the first one until the fourth. It was a really good movie marathon. And it probably had a big effect on the tone and framework of this post about elearning software solutions. Yep, it most probably had a big effect indeed.

For those who were living under a rock these past few years or who have simply failed to watch television and movies for most of their natural lives unlike the rest of us normal (albeit television zombified people of the twenty first century) the story of the Terminator creates a large dent on this generation’s collective fear. We have now all become afraid of the future which in all probability will be overrun by robots possessed by artificial intelligence. Incidentally, a lot of other movies have this very same theme. The matrix is another good series that is based on the premise that robots and artificial intelligence will soon enslave if not eradicate humanity. It all stems with the further advancement of our daily activities to the point that everything is computerized – the automation of everything in our lives.
After watching the movie and cursing humanity or the U.S. military for ever inventing Skynet, I soon stumbled upon the concept of elearning. I was just looking for a way to beef up my resume by attending some classes when elearning software solutions came up on Google.
Naturally, I was horrified. They were essential automating school! We could now say goodbye to classrooms and teachers. What’s next? Are we soon going to attach our brains to a computer and live out virtual lives never having to leave our bio-support pods that feed us intravenously with nutrients, oxygen, and water?
Well, I hope I’m just over reacting. Anyway, elearning solutions seem to have a lot of advantages for busy people who would love to take courses without leaving the comfort of their home.